Stories of the Moose
Moose Follows Me to Class
Sits outside the building for 3 hours until I'm out of class.
Moose was her own kitty, but she sure did like following her human around campus. I don't know if it was out of loyalty or that she wanted to keep an eye on me. Probably the latter.
In any case, Moose would often follow me to evening class. I would leave my dorm room and head towards the Comm Arts building. There she was trotting along, keeping pace behind me all the way to the front door. This was probably a couple of hundred yards. My PR professor at the time (a cat lover herself) would wave from her office window to me and my odd little Tonkinese.
Most of the campus had seen me with Moose in tow, following her human around. Evening classes were about 3 hours, but I could guarantee that Moose would be out there waiting under a bush at the neighboring library for me when I got out. We'd trot on back to my dorm or make the feeding station rounds, and always with the Moose never far behind.